Health & Welfare
Paediatric First Aiders
Whilst we are only legally required to have 1 First Aider onsite, ALL Quackers Qualified staff hold PAEDIATRIC First Aid Certificates. New members of Staff normally sit their training within their first 3 months so that you can be sure that if ever there was an accident/illness, there is always plenty of help nearby.

All staff before starting employment have to provide references and are vetted against the ENHANCED Disclosure and Barring Service
All staff are trained to recognise, understand and deal with all forms of abuse and neglect. Our prime responsibility is the welfare and well being of all children in our care. Any concerns for a child’s welfare will be discussed with the parents, these discussions will be recorded and the parents will have access to these records. The Manager will seek advice from the child protection unit if necessary and will follow the procedures set out by West Berks local safeguarding board. A member of staff will never work alone; there are always at least two members of staff on the premises.
Our Nursery Manager is our Designated Safeguarding Officer and in her absence the Deputy Manager assumes the role.
Meal Times
All meals provided are simple, nutritious and well balanced. We have our own cook, who prepares all meals. We will accommodate, wherever possible, all special dietary requirements. We aim to make all meal times enjoyable, to promote healthy eating habits and encourage good mealtime etiquette.
We offer breakfast, snack, lunch and tea. Our mid morning snack consists of a selection of fresh fruits and a choice of milk or water. Staff sit with the children to encourage them to eat and enjoy informal conversation together, as well as encouraging Please and Thank you. Water is available at all times for children to drink. Menus are on a four weekly rota system and displayed on all notice boards. We encourage the children to make their own selections and offer a variety at each meal. See our Menu for More information.